Daytona Beach Shores Communities

Getting to know Daytona Beach Shores

Daytona Beach Shores is a charming, friendly, oceanfront community of 4,300 residents located on the barrier island directly south of Daytona Beach, Florida. The city was founded in 1960 by local businessmen who were convinced that a smaller community would better serve its residents.

Just 5.5 miles long, the city features the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Intracoastal Waterway on the west. Residents and visitors alike take advantage of the pristine beach - whether for sunrise walks or bicycling, frolicking in the sand and surf, or enjoying the quiet solitude of the setting sun. Boats sail and cruise along the waterway, making the views from either the east or the west particularly scenic.

Daytona Beach Shores is a unique community that serves as a beachside retreat and a vibrant municipality. Whether it is the beach, parks, recreational opportunities, or restaurants, this city has something for everyone.

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